Learn - Take Action - Be Anti-Racist
About Us
Racism is all around us. Its pervasive and its suffocating. If we don't fight like crazy to dismantle it with consistent effort, it will win. My name is Lynne. I am one person living in Seattle and I am white, which means I am learning and always will be. I don't know what it's like to be Black and I don't pretend to have the answers, but what I do is share information and actions that hopefully inspire you to learn and do more. I have nothing to sell, but compassion, information and encouragement to get involved. If you are already involved, dig deeper. What else can you do? What else can you learn?
Why did I start this site?
Because Black people are beyond tired of teaching and shouldn't have to spend the emotional energy to explain the challenges of being Black in America just because we decided to now pay attention. Black communities may be the targets of racism, but it doesn't make fixing racism a Black problem. White supremacism, bias, privilege, those are White problems inflicted on communities of color and it will take White people acting in White communities to end it. There is nothing wrong with Black communities, or Asian, or Latinx or Indigenous. The problem with White supremacism lies in the White community and that's why a White person has created this site.
My goal is to spread truth about racism, to open the eyes of those that are unaware and to inspire those already in the battle. There are roughly 42 million people who identify as Black, all of who live with the chronic trauma and deep pain of racism. When an entire population is hurt like this, it hurts the nation. We can stand by no longer.
This site is a work in progress and likely, always will be. New pages and more information are yet to come. Please check back often or subscribe to blog updates. And if you have articles or resources to share, please send them my way. I would love a community of collaborators.